To understand the Assistant better a quick overview of the structure & logic follows.
Assignment Template:
When you start working with the Assistant we ask you to create a template. This is so you can copy the type of work you carry out for your different types of clients.
A template will include all the activities you carry out for a customer within the different areas of accounting, sub-ledger management, VAT, payroll, etc. When setting up the templates you can add or remove activities & edit each activity to a certain extent.
Example: Registry view of the Assistant Assignment Template: Big
These are the clients you have access to in your Client Overview in your Client Manager.
Example: Client List
When you link a template to a customer you create an Assignment which is a row in the Assistant.
Each Assignment contains a set of activities with different settings. For Example, VAT report submission is an activity. The Assignment groups all the activities you have agreed to carry out for your customer.
Example: The template Big is connected to the Client X to create an assignment. When the assignment is activated a row is created in the Assistant.
Activity groups:
These are the columns of the Assistant which are predefined by us. These are the different areas of your work: Accounting, VAT, Taxes, EC Sales, Customer Invoices, Supplier Invoices, Annual Reports, Payroll management and Other.
Example: Client X has an assignment in the Assistant and you can see all the activity groups marked in red.
Activity Groups are always visible in the assistant.
The activities are what your work consist of on a daily basis. On each activity you have to customise the settings for each customer (only those you cannot customise at the template level). The settings determine how the different tasks you work with are autogenerated by the Assistant each week, month or year and how they change status.
For example, if you say that an activity is weekly, the assistant will generate a task every week for you to work with and depending on how you set your reminders and warnings, this will affect how the indicators (colour coded dots) display the tasks.
Example: The detailed view of the activity: VAT report Submission. The Interval is monthly so every month this activity will generate a unique task.
Your tasks are the different indicators in your assistant. Click on the indicators to open the detailed view of each task and click on the name of the task to be able to edit its settings.
You can also report time on your tasks.
The Assistant generates tasks for you automatically based on the settings in your different activities.
Example: The detailed view of the The VAT report submission task for January.
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