The report generator allows small and micro businesses to generate their yearly or quarterly financial statements directly from Briox. With the click of a button, generate a single PDF containing all the reports you have prepared and selected.
Key features:
- Create a single PDF document from your various reports
- Simulate your accounting in your financial statement reports
- Keep track of your progress in the the generator via labels and comments
- Save multiple versions of your financial statements to Linked Documents, as drafts or final versions
- Clean-up your balance specification report by creating groups in the reconciliation tool.
- Add documents as attachments in your custom sections.
Work flow & Functionality description:
The top bar
The report generator top bar offers the following options which will be applied to all your reports:
- Date selection: The financial year you are working in appears as default but you can choose any date interval you wish. The generator will remember your choice between sessions.
- Page numbering: There is a double page numbering system.
- Each report gets an individual page numbering with with the format: page 1(1).
- The complete Financial Statement PDF gets a running page numbering at the bottom of each page from first to last page.
- The Preliminary waterstamp: The waterstamp can be added or removed manually by checking the the box in the top bar. Alternatively if you work using the statuses and any one of the reports selected for printing has a status other than Completed, the "Preliminary" waterstamp will automatically be added to the printout so you know that a draft report can never be mistaken for a final copy. The same is true if you choose to include Drafts in your accounting reports.
- Include journal drafts: You can simulate what your accounting would look like if you posted certain journals that are still drafts (ie: saved and not posted). This is to avoid corrections and crossed out rows as you are finalising your financial statements. Journal drafts can be included in the Balance Sheet report and the P&L. In the reports there is a red text reminding you that drafts are included, The Preliminary waterstamp is also triggered.
The reports available
In the report generator you have access to the following reports from Accounting:
- The balance sheet report,
- printing options: are the official formats
- Finland : Detailed, Compact & Micro
- Lithuania: Standard & Abridged
- Possibility to include drafts to simulate the report. Read more about working with drafts.
- printing options: are the official formats
- The profit & loss report,
- printing options: are the official formats
- Finland : Detailed, Compact & Micro
- Lithuania: Standard
- Possibility to include drafts to simulate the report.
Read more about account classes and linking account classes to Official Groups to be able to create these reports.
- printing options: are the official formats
- The balance specification report
- This report has several viewing options that enable tidying up the report & shortening it:
You can summarise the sub-ledgers to a single row & gather the unreconciled transactions in groups which you can name when reconciling your various accounts. Read more here.
- This report has several viewing options that enable tidying up the report & shortening it:
From the Financial statement report generator you can include the following:
- The Notes to the financial statements. (FI only)
The report is available with questions for for Small and Micro companies according to the Government's ordinance on information to be included in the financial statements of small and micro enterprises. Read more about the Notes report here. - Cover page: The cover page offers you a simple front page for your report including a Report name field and a free text block.
- Custom sections: When you land in the editor, there are no custom sections set up. You can add as many custom sections to your report as you wish. Click on the Add Custom Section button at the bortom of your screen for a new section to appear in your report list. Use the bin in the icon bar at the end of the row to remove any custom section you no longer want to use.
These section aim to let you complete your financial statements with any external documentation you may with to add, fa graphical cover page for example. The custom section lets you upload images or documents (JPG, PNG & PDF) from the inbox or the Financial statements inbox of Linked Documents.
You can give each custom section a name so you know what they contain at a glance.
Format the reports
Each report can be edited by opening up the section. Click on the report name or the plus sign at the end of the row to get to the following options:
- The report header has its standard name as default but you can rename the report to suit your purposes.
- Report layout & printing options are also available in this expanded view.
Format the report headers
The report heders can also be formated to suit your needs. The same report header will be applied to all the accounting reports.
In the header you can choose to include a logo, & you can edit the information in the right and left sections manually or using variables. Click on the pen to open the editing view.
Your information is saved automatically.
Report Status
On the various report rows you can give various statuses to your reports so you can see at a glance at what stage of completion your work is.
Note: If any of the reports selected for printing has a status other than Completed, the "Preliminary" waterstamp will automatically be added to the printout.
Comments on reports
You can enter comments to yourself, a colleague or a customer by clicking on the speech bubble at the end of the row. The icon is filled with rows when there is a comment on a report.
Move the position of the reports
Use the arrows at the end of the report to move the position of the reports.
Select what reports to include, generate the report & save to Linked documents
To select which reports you want to include in your financial statements select them by checking the box by the report name. Your selection will be remembered in between sessions. See below.
The report can be created from the generator view. Click on (Print) Create Report for the PDF to open in a new tab.
If you want to save a copy to Linked Documents click on Save to Linked Documents.
The report will be saved in a section dedicated to the financial statements with the date it was created, in a folder for this specific financial year. If drafts are included, the report will be marked as preliminary.
You can also create the financial statements report from under reports. Click on Create Report.
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