To be able to invoice time you need to have:
- Assignments,
- that are linked to Customers
- with activities that are linked to items
- and these items need to have a price.
At what point time invoicing is to take place is entirely up to you. Please note that you will need to have the Invoicing module. All approved time reports are available for invoicing and you choose what is to be included on each invoice. To be able to invoice you need to have user access rights for invoicing. See below.
1. Go to Time - Invoicing.
Search for registrations available for invoicing by entering an assignment, or clicking on the selection button by the Assignment field to see the assignment register. All active assignments are included in the list regardless of whether there is anything registered on the assignment or not. Select an assignment in the list by clicking on the text and select a period by entering a date or selecting one from the calendar. Click on Search.
2. A list will appear which shows the approved time and expenses reported by users on the assignment. Mark what is to be invoiced by checking the Invoice box for the relevant rows. If you do not want to invoice all that is reported on a row, enter a new value under To be invoiced. The difference is placed under Balance after invoicing. You can choose to invoice this amount later, or not invoice it at all. The amount can be fount in the column Plus Balance in your time report.
3. Under the Create Invoice tab (see picture below), you have several choices which affect the layout and appearance of the invoice. In the field Detailed view, select whether you want to see what is invoiced as a grand total on one row (Total), or per user (User). In the field Invoice Text, you can choose what should be displayed on the invoice rows: Items or activities. In the Free text box you can write any text you wish, maximum 50 characters, which is then displayed at the bottom of the invoice.
4. Click on Create Invoice in the action bar at the bottom of your screen. A notification informs you that the invoice with number XX has been created. Click on the notification to go straight to the invoice. The invoice lands in the invoice list under Invoicing - Customer Invoices and is labelled TII for Time Invoice.
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