Existing Consultants can be given access to payroll for all their existing clients under Payroll - Manage Consultants.
Note: Only administrators have access to this tab.
- Turn on the toggle
- Give the user a role (administrator or user for payroll)
This will activate payroll for the consultants that are to work with payroll giving them access to the Payroll Manager at the level of your agency account, as well as the possibility to activate and work with payroll in all their client accounts.
If the consultant is not to work with payroll on a specific client account, simply remove their payroll rights at the level of the client account. - Invite the consultants to work with payroll by sending a ready invitation which includes a getting started guide. Click on the plane icon to preview and edit the invitation if you wish. Click Send invitation to dispatch it.
Note: - Only payroll administrators will be able to activate payroll in their client account.
- Activating payroll here does not affect consultants other rights or roles in any way.
- If new clients are added, payroll rights are given to the consultant via their role in the new client.
Read how to set up a client in your client manager. - Roles templates that include payroll access rights are available for you to use.
- Under Payroll - Manage Consultants, payroll rights can be removed by inactivating the toggle for a specific consultant. If this is done, the consultant no longer has access to the payroll manager, nor payroll on any of his or her clients
New consultants can be set up under Admin - Users - Manage consultants
At the level of the client account:
- the only user rights that are managed in Briox are the right to view and work with the payroll payment files, and wether the consultant in an administrator or a user for payroll in general. See below.
You find user rights in the main menu under Admin - Users. - If a user is to work with payroll at the level of the client account only, and not have access to the payroll manager, then you simply need to give them user rights to payroll in the client account.
- or, on the other hand if a consultant is not to work with payroll on a specific client account, simply remove their payroll rights at the level of the client account.
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