If you use Cost Centres and Projects in your accounting, these dimensions will be automatically synchronised to Palkkaus.fi and be available for you to use in your salary calculations.
The Cost Centre and Project registries are constantly synchronised from Briox to Palkkaus.fi and all updates are to take place in the Briox registries.
The cost centres and projects you use in your payroll calculations will then follow through to the payroll journal that is created automatically in Briox accounting when you click on import Payroll journal. see below.
In Palkkau.fi select Cost Centres and Projects as follows:
- Dimensions set on the salary rows will override dimensions set on the employee.
- If extra salary rows are added on an employee without any dimensions, the dimensions set on the employee will automatically be set on the extra salary rows.
Note: the dimensions are not visible on each salary row.
- On the employee under cost accounting:
Add a cost centre and a project to the employee under cost accounting and from there they will default to all individual salary rows.
Or go to the employee information and edit specific salary rows. See below: - on the various rows of the employee's salary calculation. Click on edit to add cost centres and projects. See below:
- At the level of the payroll calculation. Open the various rows to edit the dimensions.
- If you need to split the payroll item over several cost centres and projects, go to Settings - Overview - Accounting Items - Cost accounting, Select Cost Centre or Project, edit, and allow cost sharing. See below
This will allow you to split your payroll item over several cost centres or projects as below:
For more detailed information read: https://help.palkkaus.fi/hc/fi/articles/6530468690333-Laskentakohteiden-m%C3%A4%C3%A4rittely-yrityksen-asetuksissa#:~:text=Voit%20ottaa%20yrityskohtaiset%20laskentakohteet%20k%C3%A4ytt%C3%B6%C3%B6n,-%2C%20laskelma-%20tai%20rivikohtaisesti.
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