In the report the selection window, you can choose an "Official" version of the report which presents the report according to Governmental Decree on the information to be presented in the Financial Statements for Small and Micro-businesses. This report has only two columns: The reporting Period and a comparison to the same period last year.
To be able to create the official reports: Micro Balance and Micro P&L in Finland and the official Abridged and Compact Balance and P&L reports in Lithuania, we have created Official groups to which your account classes can be linked.
These can be found under Registry - Chart of Accounts - Account Classes.
The official Micro, Standard & Abridged groups follow a fixed structure which represents how the report is presented, which is according to each countries' official guidelines.
Please note: To be able to produce a Micro report (FI) or an official Standard & Abridged report (LT) automatically you need to create a new financial year with the Briox Standard COA.
If you want to use your report in the current financial year, you can map the account classes manually to your official groups or ask support for help. We can mapp the account classes for you, according to our 2020 structure and you will have to control that everything is correct.
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