Before one can start working with a client’s accounting via the Client Manager, it is important to define who will be doing what at the accounting firm level, especially if several consultants are going to be working with client databases via the Client Manager.
- Click on Admin in the main menu, then on Users.
- Here you see the System Administrators in Bold. The system administrator is the first user registered in the program (at the time of purchase). If you log in at a later date, there may be more users in the system.
The System Administrator automatically receives full access rights in all the applications and is the only one who can add new users as well as determine what access rights the other users are to have in the various applications.
- Click on a user to open up the edit user tab
Under Access Rights for the user you see the applications and the application features to which the user has access rights . Now we are going to focus only on the Administration and the Client Manager Access Rights tabs. See below.
If you are an accountant working alone, then you should leave the settings as they are. You are the System Administrator (set under Administration) and have full rights in all Applications. You can see this under The Client Manager Access Rights where everything is pre-selected.
If several accountants / consultants are working together you may want to divide up the tasks and you can see here that the rights under the client manager are divided into two groups.
Companies: these rights have to do with registering and working with companies / clients in your own account (which will be referred to as the Accountant Account in the future) in the Client Manager.
Client Accounts: these rights have to do with creating and working in client accounts via the Client Manager. For example, an accountant who is only going to do the accounting for his / her client only needs to have a check in the box Login to client account (and nothing in the Administration box). See below.
To be able to set up your Briox Client Manager and your client accounts without meeting obstacles along the way, we recommend that you are a System Administrator in the Accountant account.
The user who is an Application Administrator can determine what access rights other users have in the application he or she is administrator for. The Application Administrator automatically receives full rights to the applications he or she is an administrator for, but the Application Administrator cannot add new users.
Rights can always be edited at a later date, but one person must always be the System Administrator and have full rights in an account.
Read more about how you add your colleagues as users in your accountant account / Client Manager, as well as in the customer account.
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