Briox offers the possibility to work fully with incoming reference payments under Banking - Process transactions or in the simplified view under Invoicing - Process Payments.
The possibility to work in two separate places allows you to share the work between agency and client, allowing the agency to work in banking and the client in the simpler process payments view, reconciling the payments they have received on a more frequent basis than what the account statements needs to be reconciled.
Read more about which user rights govern each view.
Requesting the service and the file format
The reference payments service and its frequency needs to be added to your agreement with your bank. The bank will then make 2 files available for the client, the incoming reference payments file and a separate bank statement.
When working with incoming reference payments the bank will automatically group these as a lump sum in the account statement.
This lump sum will never be reconciled in banking and has to be removed from the accounts statement when you are confident that all the underlying transactions are reconciled. You can see this by expanding the lump sum in the account statement view.
Remove the transaction by clicking on the X. See below:
See example below when requesting the service in the power of attorney when opening your webb service channel.
Please request the camt version of the file (camt.054.001.02).
Importing reference payments and automation
Reference payments can be imported as files if that is the payment method you use.
The import is done directly in the Process Payments view. See below.
With online banking, reference payments files are imported automatically by the Briox system and customer invoices and payments are automatically matched based on reference number. This is done no matter what you have selected as automatic match settings under Banking - Import account
Briox checks for available statements every hour and notifies you when a statement has been imported.
The process can further be automated is you choose to post payments that are a full match (reference number and amount). You access these settings under Settings - Accounting - Automation.
See below.
Matching payments and invoices
The auto-matching based on reference numbers should take care of matching most invoices and payments, and your should find these already matched in the bottom of the Process payments view as full payments or part payments, ready for you to process.
This view is based on the Process transaction view of banking view and works in the same manner, except that it is simplified and limited to managing Customer invoices and reference payments.
Read about how to work in the view here.
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