Logging in
After students have created their account, you can find them in the list under Client Manager - Companies in the left-hand side menu.
To log in to your students' accounts there are 3 different ways:
- Directly in the Dashboard, which is your landing page when logging in to Briox.
There you can find a card called Client Manager. There you can find a shortcut to the most oftenly used accounts. Click on the account name to log in to your student's account directly. The account opens in a separate tab so that you can easily work with several student accounts at the same time in your browser and switch between them.
- Through the tab Client accounts in the right-hand side menu. Click on the account name to log in.
- Through Client Manager - Companies in the left-hand side menu.
Choose a student company from the list of all companies in your client manager by clicking on it.
A window with the company information opens and you can click on the log-in icon on the very right to log in.
Logging out
To log out of an account, simply close the tab in your browser in which the account is opened.
In case you want to log out of all opened Briox accounts simultaneously, you can click on the Sign out button on the right side of the header next to the financial year:
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