To be able to create quotes, orders or invoices on a customer, you must add the customer to your customer registry.
- Go to Registry - Customers and click on Add Customer.
The customer registry will be empty if it is your first time in the application. - Enter as much information as possible in the customer registry form. The Customer No. and Name fields are mandatory and need to be completed before saving a new customer record. Keep in mind that the more information you enter from start, the less you need to enter each time you add the customer to an invoice. The customer details can be edited or more details can be added at any time.
- Click on Save when you are ready.
You will be able to see your customer under Registry - Customers. This customer is now available for you to use when creating your invoices. If you have the Order module, they will also be available when creating Quotes and Orders.
Edit or delete a customer
You can change all the information except customer number, you do this by clicking on a customer. You can also edit a customer while creating an invoice. Click on the selection button by the Customer Number field. A modal appears where you click on a pen at the end of the row to get into the customer's card. You can now edit the information.
If you want to delete a customer instead, you do this in a customer card under your customer registry list. Click on the button Delete in the right corner at the bottom of your screen. Note that it is not possible to delete a customer if quotes, orders or invoices have been created already.
Registry - Customers
When you click on Registry - Customers, you will see a list with all your customers. You can sort the different columns by clicking on a heading.
You can also select what columns should be visible by clicking on the gear-icon above the list in the right corner. List settings will now appear. See below.
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