To be able to Record Daily sales in Briox Accounting, you need to start by creating a template for how your Daily sales should look. Click on Settings in the right hand menu, then select Accounting - Daily Sales Template.
Click on Add New Template, name the template and enter a journal description. The journal description will end up on the journal created from the Daily Sales Template. You will be able to edit the text, but what you enter here in the settings will automatically be proposed when you register your daily sales. You also need to select in which journal series the daily sales journals should be posted in.
Choose whether you want to register your daily sales including or excluding VAT. If you choose including VAT, the program calculates the VAT when registering the daily sale, while if you choose exclusive VAT you enter the VAT amounts separately when you register daily sales.
If you activate Import account balance, this means that, when you register the daily sales, you can retrieve the current account balance for the account you specified for cash payment by clicking on the sum symbol.
In the field Account for difference and Cost centre for difference you specify on which account any difference should be posted and if you want to specify a special cost center for the difference.
Then continue by filling in the accounts and texts for the different items you want to add to the template. Keep in mind that the account selected under the heading "withdrawal" must be a counter account to the account that is marked for cash under Payment method, it should be a cost account or bank account. Withdrawals are always made from the account that is marked for cash withdrawals under Payment method. Finish by Saving.
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