Do I need to do anything to activate interpretation? No. You do not need to activate or change any settings to get started.
How does machine learning work in Briox? In Briox every account gets their own individual “AI robot”. This means that it is trained by you, and it works specifically for you and your accounting. Your robot learns every time you post an invoice or a journal. This means that there is no interpretation result the first time a document is sent for interpretation. Every single entry you make will train the robot and make its suggestions more accurate.
What are the benefits of Briox’ company specific solution? Companies are different and you know what is correct for your accounting. That is why we offer machine learning automation based on company specific entries only. This means that your accounting is unaffected by system-wide settings or the work of others, take for example a purchased item that is used differently in two companies, and for that reason coded differently. The technology also offers more benefits such as coding to multiple purchase accounts.
How long does it take for the AI to learn? The robot learns with each posting you make. This means that already by the second time an interpreted incoming document is recognized the system is able to return a match. See parameters for full, partial or no match.
What information can the AI recognise and learn?
The AI can interpret the following fields in a supplier invoice:
The supplier
Invoice date
Due date
Invoice number
Reference number
Our reference
Your reference
Invoice Total
VAT sum
The accounts used to code the invoice The AI can interpret the following fields in a journal:
Journal description
The Date
The accounts used to code the Journal including amounts and VAT
The journal type
What documents can be interpreted? All images or PDF's that have been scanned, mailed or uploaded to the linked documents folders of the Briox archive (with the exception of the Financial statements, Customer invoices, Payroll and Other folders).
How can interpretation in Briox help improve the workflow? To simplify the work for everybody, have allusers download the Briox app so they can easily submit their supporting documents to Briox digitally. Read here how easy it is to invite users to the app. All the company’s incoming documents, no matter how they are sent or uploaded to the account, are gathered in one single place called the incoming documents list. This list is meant to function as a starting point for you. Here you can easily filter, correct or create all documents which need to enter your accounting.
Can I automatically reconcile journal drafts against the bank statement? Yes, journal drafts that have been created in Briox, based on interpreted incoming documents, can be reconciled against the bank statement automatically. Read more here.
Can I undo what my robot has learnt if it is incorrect or the situation changes? Yes, The robot can relearn, and you can also remove robots and their legacy from an account. See question 10 below.
Can I copy a robot? Yes, when setting up new clients you can copy one or several robots you have trained in other accounts. This way you do not start from scratch with every new client.
For existing clients, you can copy robots from the list in your client manager. Click on the robot icon at the end of the row to get a list of accounts you can copy from.
Via this Icon you can also remove robots and their legacy from an account.
Are currencies interpreted?
On a supplier invoice we will use the currency set on the supplier to interpret the currency picked up from the interpretation. The Exchange rate is picked up from Registry - Currency. If the currency on the invoice does not match the currency set on the supplier there will be no interpretation of the coding rows.
For receipts, we only interpret receipts that are in base currency (€) if other currencies are detected, there will be no interpretation to avoid any possible errors and charges.
Is there more to come? Yes, in future Releases we already plan to increase the interpretation capacity of the robot with:
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