Prepayment balances for specific customers are tracked via default prepayment accounts.
The prepayment balance is altered when payments or part payments are made made, to or from, a default prepayment account while paying your customer invoices.
So if you have a balance for a certain customer on a prepayments account and you change the account, the balance will be lost and you will loose all tracking of all previous prepayments made for your customer.
This balance can only be transfered to another account by creating payments on customer invoices.
Follow the steps below to transfer a prepayment balance to another account:
- Create an invoice for the customer for the value of the balance you want to move from one account to another.
- Get rid of the Balance on the Account: Create a payment, so that the invoice is paid in full using the prepayment balance from the old prepayment account to get rid of the balance.
Tip: Use prices include VAT to get a exact amount on your invoice - Credit the invoice & pay the credit note to get rid of the invoice & credit note from your accounting.
- Check the Subledger report (available in 2021) to see that the balance for the customer is at "0".
You can also create a new invoice for the customer to check that no banner appears saying there is a balance on the prepayment account. - Set up the new default prepayment account you want to use for this customer.
- Create a new invoice with a minimal value of 1 € for example, to book the prepayment on.
- When you pay the invoice, enter a received amount equal to the value of the invoice + the prepayment balance you want to register on the new account.
- Register the payment.
- Credit the invoice and pay the credit note.
- This will remove the effect of both the invoice & the credit note from your accounting and leave you with the prepayment balance only on the new account.
- Check the Subledger report (available in 2021) to see that the balance for the customer is correct or use the balance and account information available in the banner.
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