All incoming bank transactions can be matched and tracked in Briox.
Journal numbers are displayed in the transaction list and on the bank statements
When you create a journal from a transaction under Banking - Process transaction the journal number is now visible on the transaction row under Banking - Transaction List in the journal ref column.
The Journal number and the transaction number are also visible on the account statement that can be printed from the import row in the Bank Statement tab.
From the account statement your can drill down directly to the payment journal that has been created when you reconciled payments under banking.
You can also drill down to the transaction in the transaction list if you choose.
The tracking functionality
From the account statement your can drill down directly to the payment journal that has been created when you reconciled payments under banking.
You can also drill down to the transaction in the transaction list if you choose.
From the journal you can go back to the transaction in the transaction list or to the transaction in the bank statement, Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the link to the account statement.
The transaction in question will be highlighted when you land in the list.
Link bank transactions to existing journals
If the incoming transaction needs to be linked to a journal that has already been created in Briox for some reason, you can do this under Process transaction. Dropping the transaction on the landing zone on the left side of the screen called Link bank transactions to existing journals. Or vice versa.
In the view that appears at the bottom of your screen you need to:
- Select the journal type you want to link to the transaction to. Available in the drop down are all the series you have marked for manual entry as well as
- C - Payments from customers and
- E - Payment to suppliers
- Enter the journal number in the field for Journal ID. See below. The complete journal reference will appear infront of journal ref.
NOTE: there is no autocomplete so you need to know what journal you want to link the transaction to.
Click on Save link when you are satisfied. A notification informs you that a link has been created between the transaction and the journal.
You can link several transactions to one journal
It will look like this under tracking on the journal.
And appear as follows in the transaction
Delete the link
If you happen to link a banking transaction to the wrong journal. You need to go to the tracking view in the journal to be able to delete the link. See below.
Click on the bin icon to remove the link you have created.
The journal number will then also be removed fro the account statement.
Hide matched transaction
If you are searching for unmatched transaction in you Account statement view, you can check the box Hide matched transactions and click search.
Only transactions that do not have a journal number will be left in the list.
Return Transactions to the process transaction view
If you have clicked away a transaction by mistake by clicking Hide bank transaction from list:
... or have already matched it but need to match another bank transaction for some reason; you have the possibility to return the transaction to the Process Transaction list by clicking the row tool:
See below in the list. The row tool will be available for transactions that are no longer in the process transaction list.
A question asks you to confirm if the transaction is to be returned. Simply confirm for the transaction to be made available in the Process transaction view again. You will also be redirected there.
Returning the transaction to the list does not affect anything in case a transaction is linked to a journal.
User Rights
To be able to link bank transactions to journals and vice versa the user must have both the user rights for Journals & Work with banking.
Activity log
Under Reports - Activity Log
Feature: Accounting
add Subject : Banking (Link transactions)
Print your account statement
The selection you have made under account statement can now also be printed from under Banking - Account Statement.
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