Seuraavat tietojen vientimahdollisuudet ovat saatavilla Brioxissa:
- Journals: Go to Accounting - Journals - Click on Export journals to file to export your selection to a tab, comma or semi-colon delimited list.
- Your complete document archive including all your supporting documents organised chronologically and marked with their corresponding journal numbers can be exported in a click. The exports maintains the file structure of the archive.
- Chart of Accounts
- Customers
- Items
- Suppliers
- Assets
Print Lists: This information can be exported from the registries as lists. Use the list settings to select what information is to be visible in the list before printing.
Print reports: Under Reports - Registries and Lists you can print various reports to export your data.
- Bank account statements and transactions lists
Bank Account statements as received from your bank and transactions lists with corresponding journal numbers can be printed from under banking.
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