Please find below a list of variables you can use to insert information into the email documents you send to your customers.
{DELIVERY_NAME} => Name of customer from field Delivery address
{CONTACT_NAME} =>Name of customer from field Customer Information
{INVOICE_NO} => Invoice number (Serial number)
{QUOTE_NO} => Quote number
{ORDER_NO} => Order number
{PURCHASE_NO} =>Purchase Order number
{INVOICE_DATE} => Quote, Order, Invoice date
{DUE_DATE} => Invoice due date
{TOTAL} => Quote, Order, PO, Invoice Total
{EXPIRY_DATE} => Valid to date for Quotes (expiry date in print out)
{DELIVERY_DATE} => Delivery date (sales & purchase orders and customer invoices)
{AMOUNT_ORDERED} => Total ordered
{AMOUNT_DELIVERED} => Total delivered
{SUPPLIER_NAME} => Supplier Name
{OURREF} => Our reference
{YOURREF} => Your reference
{ORDERNO} => Your order no (in the header of the Sales order)
{CONTACT} => Customer number
{CONTACT_DELPHONE} => Phone - taken from field Delivery Address in Invoicing/Sales order
{CONTACT_DELPHONE2} => Phone 2 - taken from field Delivery Address in Invoicing/Sales order
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