An Activity is an event that you wish to log so that you are able to follow it up, and can have an historic overview of all your activities. This can, for example, be meetings or phone calls. The activities are presented in the Activity list, as well as on the respective company and contact cards.
- Search for the company or contact for whom you wish to record an activity. You can do so by going to the Company or Contacttab and use the filter to type in the company or contact name.
- Click on the icon New Activity in the company or the contact's toolbar.
An Activity card will open up. - Enter the information about the activity.
Below you can find a brief description of the various fields in the activity card:
Activity Number: This is the serial number of the activities.
Type:The type of activity. You can enter your own alternatives under Settings - CRM - Activities - Activity Types.
Start Date and time and End date and time: Enter the date, start and end time for the activity.
Activity Association: In this filed you can specify whether you wish to link this activity to a company or a contact, or if it is a general activity (without affiliation). Once you have chosen company or contact, you can select a specific one via the selection button. If you create the activity from a company or a contact card, then the activity is already connected.
All Day Activity: If the activity is to last a full day or more, then check this box.
Subject: Write the name of the activity created.
Location: This refers to the place where the activity would be held or carried out. For example: in the office, at the customer’s office or at the Concert Hall.
Description: This is a free text field where you can record any information relating to the activity. What was agreed upon, what was decided, etc.
Status: The status is set with radio buttons: Closed or Open.
Priority: How important do you consider the current activity to be? Priority 1-5.
Contacts: If you have registered contacts on the company in question, you can choose amongst them here.
User: Select the user the activity is to be associated with. You can choose between the users registered in the application.
Copy activity to user: Here you can copy an activity to another user. When you click on the button a popup window opens with the users you can choose from. Click on those who should be included.
Reminder: A reminder can be sent out to the user who created the activity. This can be done via SMS, email or a “pop-up" in the CRM.
Reminder to the company or contact: Reminders can also be sent to the company or the contact that the activity is connected to.
Activities are displayed :
- Under the tab CRM today in the activity list.
- On the company and contact cards in the Activities block.
- On the company and contact cards if you click on the icon Show activities in the menu bar.
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