If you are experiencing problems connecting to Briox, Briox is not loading, it times out or displays an error, please check your connection to the internet before contacting Briox Support.
Here are a few simple things you can try:
- In the same browser you are using, try connecting to other websites:
- Try connecting to a major website such as: www.google.com for example,
- Go to a website you have never visited just to make sure that the website is not stored in your cache.
If you can visit other sites, the internet is working. This is a good way to make sure you haven't dropped your wireless connection if you are using Wi-Fi or a wireless hot spot service.
- If you can connect to the internet but are still having trouble, close your browser completely and open it again or use another browser and try again.
This way you make sure that you have a fresh connection to the Briox website in case something is disrupting your previous connection attempt. - If this is the first time you are trying to access Briox, check that you do not have a firewall or proxy issues which will most likely occur in a workplace.
If it is clear to you that everything is working fine except for Briox, please mail Briox Support so that we can fix it!
Email: support@briox.fi
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