Welcome to Briox!
Briox enables companies to invite their auditors to view their accounting and invoicing directly in their Briox accounts.
Accessing the account you are to audit
When the administrator of an account invites you as an auditor to view their account in Briox:
- You receive an invitation with an activation link by e-mail.
When you click on Accept invitation and login to Briox you get the possibility to set your own password.
If you as an auditor have many accounts in Briox, this enables you to group them all under a single login so that all the Briox Accounts you work with are presented to you in a list at login. Like the list below.
Using an invitation to set you up as a user protects your personal settings as well as you password.
Your Personal settings
When you first login to Briox you need to set up your personal settings under the Your account tab on the right hand side of your screen. These choices will affect ALL the accounts you have access to.
To access other accounts you have viewing rights for, you do not need to log out and in again. Simply open upp the section Other accounts, at the bottom of the Your account tab and click on the account you want to log into. This account opens up in a new tab and this way you can simply hop between all the accounts you want to work with.
Navigating Briox
Financial years and logging out
When you land in Briox you land in the account's dashboard where information cards populate the view.
In the top bar you have a financial year drop down which allows you to hop between financial years by simply clinking on the year you want to work in, in the drop down menu. On the far right hand side the sign out button will log you out of ALL Briox windows/accounts you have open. Use it at the end of the day for example.
If you want to close only one Briox account you are working in, simply click on the x in the tab itself.
The different programs are available in the left hand menu. Click on them to access the different views of the program.
Below comes a description of what you can see in each view, depending on whether the user uses the feature or not.
In the journal list you can search for journals using the filter.
Drafts are not included in the accounting.
The column headings in this view and in Briox in general are clickable so that the order of the columns can be reversed.
You can export all journals to a file by clicking on the Button at the bottom right hand side:
The journal list
In the Journal list, series of icons at the end of the row provide you with information about the journal. A mouse over shows even more information in text form. See below.
- the copyright © provides information about who created of changed a journal.
- The other symbol informs if a journal has been Accrued,
of if supporting documents are linked to the journal. Click on the icon to see the linked document(s).
If you click yourself into a journal
... you can see the coding rows, any changes or corrections made in the journal (in the form of crossed out rows) as well as what invoice the journal has been created from. See below. The link in the journal header is clickable and will take you to the customer or supplier invoice the journal has been created from.
An icon toolbar provides you with more information about what is linked to the journal:
If images of supporting documents are linked to journals or invoices you can see the image icon highlighted in the toolbar in the top right hand corner of the screen. Click on the icon to view the supporting documents.
If you want to print the image displayed, simply right-click on your mouse and select print.
If the Journal is created from a VAT report, the report icon on the right hand side will take you to the VAT report in question, while the printer icon on the left hand side allows you to print the journal.
If the journal has been accrued, the accrual icon will be highlighted. Click on it to see the accrual settings and information.
Search amount
Here you can search for a journal which you know contains a specific amount. You can even expand your search by selecting a single journal series, a date range or an account.
If there are journals with the amount you searched for, the search results will appear in the list and you will see the journal series, posting date, description, account, transaction information, and whether the amount in question is posted in debit or credit.
Under Accruals you get a clear overview of all registered accruals, both over those that have been carried out and those that have not, as well as those that have been removed.
When a customer or supplier invoice is accrued, a journal will be created (the predefined series for this is H) and will end up in the series for accruals in the journal list.
You will clearly see which Customer and Supplier invoices as well as journals have been accrued through the accrual symbol shown at the far right hand side of the respective lists.
If you click yourself into the journal or invoice, the accruals icon in the toolbar is as below:
Click on this the icon to see the accrual settings and information.
Under banking you can import bank statements if the company uses that feature.
If the bank transactions have been linked to a payment or journal under banking then the transaction itself is marked with the journal number. If you click on the journal number you are taken to the journal in the journal list.
If a journal is linked to a statement, then the tracking icon will be displayed in the icon toolbar in the journal. Click on it to get a link back to the account statement.
When you land in the account statement the transaction will be highlighted for you to easily find it.
The same tracking functionality exists for customer and supplier invoices as well as journals.
Supplier invoices
Under the Supplier invoice menu you can see the supplier invoices in a list.
The list can be filtered by status and you can use the filter to search for specific invoice
A quick setting in the list allows you to choose what columns you want to see in your list.
A series of icons at the far right hand side of the list gives you information about each invoice:
For example, and as mentioned above, who had created or changed the invoice, if there are supporting documents attached, if accruals have been carried out or as in the picture below if the invoice is awaiting payment authorisation (?) or if it has been authorised (!).
This is of course providing that the user utilises the functionality.
If you click yourself into the invoice you can see:
In the header of the invoice:
- the detailed supplier & delivery information
- coding information
Via the icon toolbar:
- any attached sources documentation
- if accruals have been carried out or not
In the footer of the invoice
- any comments that have been made on the invoice
- any payments or part payments made
Under the invoicing menu, the auditor can see the following:
Customer invoices
Here the viewer can see the customer invoice list which works in the same way as the supplier invoice list with a filter and informative icons at the end of the row.
The customer invoices also have specific invoice types visible in the list:
INV: Invoice
CRN: Credit Note
TI: Time Invoice
II: Interest Invoice
CAI: Cash Invoice
RI: Recurring invoice
If one clicks into the invoice, one sees:
- an icon toolbar giving information about the attached supporting documents, accruals and exchange rates
- the detail of the customer and the delivery information in the header
- Invoice texts and addresses
- the item information in the body of the invoice
- information about the payment in the footer
In the reminder list one sees the automatically created reminders for all invoices that have fallen due.
The Invoices according Settings filter lets the user work with their own pre-set-up reminder flow which can look like this for example:
Interest invoicing
If the user has turned on the functionality for interest invoicing. Interest invoices according to settings are automatically created after they have been paid.
The Settings can look as below:
From this list the user can decide wether to create the automatically calculated interest invoice or not.
Recurring invoicing
If the user has identical invoices every month, then they can create recurring invoices in Briox by creating a contract containing all the necessary invoicing information as well as the invoicing schedule, start date and end date if any. Once the invoices are created, they will end up in the invoice list (marked as invoice type RI) where you then send and post them as usual.
In this view one can see all the contracts the company has, whether Active, Inactive or Terminated.
The Registry
In the registry, the auditor can see the following:
Under the Chart of accounts section the auditor has access to the Budget and Close period.
To examine the chart of accounts and its build up the viewer needs to go to the Reports tab and take out a report called Chart of Accounts under the Registries & Lists section. This report shows the Chart of Accounts as a list, a Balance Sheet Report, or a Profit & Loss report.
The last section in the menu is the Reports section.
Under the Reports section you will find reports for accounting, suppliers and customers, as well as for registries and lists. All reports can be printed on screen, to Excel or as PDF's.
Most reports in Briox have a drill down which takes you to the next level down in the report. So for example in a Profit and loss report you go from the account level, to the journal level and down to any document that is linked to the journal. Click on the link to view the linked source documentation. See below.
In the case of a VAT report, if you want to drill down you need to choose Detailed under Report Options. Click on the account number to come to the General Ledger.
The Activity log
In the activity log you can search for who has done what in the program.
We try to log as much as possible!
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