All the documents you want to send to your accounting but do not want to be interpreted, you can send to the folder called Other Documents.
When linking these documents to a journal or invoice the documents will not be interpreted even when you are working in the incoming documents view.
In the incoming documents list, the documents that are uploaded to the Other Documents folder appear with document type: Not sent to interpretation.
The Other Documents folder is available in all the views where documents can be uploaded and linked in Briox.
- Journals & supplier invoice
- Manual entry in Banking
- Customer invoices
- Financial statements (custom section)
- Incoming documents
- Asset Registry
Note that for secrecy reasons, payroll documents and expenses should be sent to the payroll folder.
How to send a document to the Other Documents folder:
- Use the scanner (both old and new) and select the document/expense type called Other.
- Upload to the folder directly in Briox.
Send documents via email to the folders unique mail address.
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