Before you start with your import please make sure of the following:
- The journal types you are going to import must exist before you can import journals. Please check under Settings - Accounting - Journal Types that the journal type exists. It does not have to be activated for Manual Entry for the import to be successful. See below.
- To be able to import journals, you must be working in the same financial year as the journal’s posting date. Please make sure you are working in the correct financial year.
You can see what year you are working in as well as change financial year in upper right hand corner of the program. If you have several years, choose the financial year you want to work in by clicking on it.
- Go to Accounting - Journals - Import Journals. See below.
- Check your import settings:
For example you can check the box Automatically activate inactive accounts. This will allow Briox to activate any accounts that have a balance to be imported to them in the import file. Allowing your import to proceed smoothly.
- You can import text files, with .txt extensions, with tab or semicolon separated information.
A tab-delimited text file looks like this if you open it:
If you are a Mac user please save your file as a Windows Formatted Text (.txt). -
You also have the possibility to import CSV files with .csv extensions with tab or semicolon separated information.
The Csv format has each journal’s information spread over several different rows. See below journal 44 B has 5 rows with information. - Start your import by choosing your file. Click on Choose File.
- When you have chosen your file, click on Upload.
- An overview of the import appears.
If you see that there are headings in your import file, tick the box Ignore the first row. See below.Note:
We recommend keeping the headings in your file. It makes it easier for you to choose the correct headings for your columns.
- You then have to match your columns with the headings. Click in the (unused) heading field for a menu to appear.
Choose the header that matches each column by ticking the box. Then click on next field heading to get up a new window. See below.
Do not forget to scroll to the right to check all the fields you have in your file.
On the right in the Import Journals block you can select weather the journal type or the posting date should be the same for all entries.
- When you have matched all the headers to their respective columns, click on the Import File button in the action bar at the bottom of your screen.
A control question appears; click on OK to confirm the import or Cancel to stop. See below. - If you click OK, the import is carried out and a confirmation message is displayed on your screen.
Note: The message also informs you that no journal numbers will be imported as journals always have to be numbered consecutively in a number series. |
Once the import is done you can go to Accounting - Journals and examine the journals you have imported.
If there is a problem with certain entries, an error message with a link to the journals that were not imported is displayed.
Click on the link to get a report over the journals that were not imported.
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